
the copy of the first mail to the United Nations April 24, 2018

 This is Naoki Tago. I am a Japanese. I escaped to foreign Countries, because I cannot bear the abuses by the Shinzo Abe Cabinet and Ministry of Education and Culture, and Toyama University and Ryukoku University due to criminal behavior. Please help me.

 Several officials of Ministry of Education and Culture, and Toyama University came my home several times, while I was away from home.  And they did character assassination about me to my family. I did not know their coming my home for a long time. And I did not know why my family and relatives and my friend make a fool of me. My family does not treat me as a human being and hurt my feelings. I cannot have communications with my family, relatives and friends. I do not want to live with my family.  Can you believe such a foolish and terrible acts? They are unbelievably mean and cruelThey  are crazy.Their actions caused serious spiritual pain not only to me, but also to my family.  My family and relatives and friends look down on me, and dismiss me as a fool because of Ministry of Education and Culture and Toyama University. I and my family have become no-good persons. It began because of a misunderstanding to my behavior. 

  Ministry of Education and Culture and Ryukoku University stole my money and deprived of my job by means of deception or fraud.   Ministry of Education and Culture disturbed my job many times. I am extremely poor. So I cannot live in Japan. The conducts of Ministry of Education and Culture and Toyama University and Ryukoku University constitute offenses under Japan’s Criminal Law. But they do not apologize to me and my family and relatives and friend. When I demanded an apology from Ministry of Education and Culture and Toyama University, they threatened me. I fear to go to Japan.

 Prime Minister Shinzou Abe has a intention to decrease my money. For example,  they froze my bank accounts. I could not withdraw my money from the bank ATM. I have not enough for my living expense. I felt fear. Such an experience will shorten my natural term of existence.  Many times I prepared myself to die. Dozens of days, I slept in the open. I am poor and cannot buy necessary foods.

Because of many times fear and stress and states of poor nutrition, the ability to write has decreased.  My blogs have many accesses from many countries in the world. So I supply a shortage of the cost of living by placing advertising to my blogs. My blogs are critical essay of WAKA, namely Japanese short verse, and translation of the folktales in the world. But I cannot write my blogs now. Because my writing ability has decreased by fear and stress and malnutrition. Japan’s government must compensate me for my damages.

 Japan’s Government has a intention to decrease my money. I cannot buy necessary foods. So I lost my health and suffer from malnutrition. I may die at any time.

  Please tell the Japan’s government that they must compensate  me for my damages.  And tell to the Japan’s government that they apologize to me about their criminal conducts and must pay back my money to me, please.

 Now I hate Japan. I am going to seek refuge in a foreign country. Please, help me.