
the copy of the second mail to the United Nations May 8, 2018

 This is Naoki Tago. I am a Japanese. I escaped to foreign Countries, because I cannot bear the abuses by the Shinzo Abe Cabinet and Ministry of Education and Culture, and Toyama University and Ryukoku University due to criminal behavior. Please help me.

 The expiration date of my passport was reached at April in 2018. I requested to Japan’s Government to send new passport for me. Ministry of Education and Culture, and Toyama University remain unapologetic for their criminal behavior.On the contrary, they threatened me. I fear to go to Japan. So I cannot do the procedures for the passport. The Japan’s Government must send a new passport for me.
 The Japan’s Government, Shinzo Abe Cabinet, have a intention to reduce my money. For example,  they froze my bank accounts. I could not withdraw my money from the bank ATM. I have not enough for my living expense. I felt fear. Such an experience will shorten my natural term of existence.  Many times I prepared myself to die. Dozens of days, I slept in the open. I am poor and cannot buy necessary foods. Their behavior constitute offensive under Japanese law. Now, I hate Japan. I do not want to go to Japan. I might as well be killed by someone as go to Japan.