
Jungian Psychology -the shadow as an archetype-

 Japan's government, especially Ministry of Education and Culture made Hayao Kawai create “The Note of Your Mind and Heart”. “The Note of Your Mind and Heart” is a  moral and psychology textbook for all elementary school students and junior high-school students in Japan. Hayao Kawai was a foremost authority on Jungian Psychology in Japan. Ministry of Education and Culture in Japan gives Jungians  preferential treatment and gives important posts to Jungians. I criticize it.
 Jungians are evil, unprincipled, antisocial and inhuman people. I think the reason  for that is as follows:
 Jungian's ego(Ich) assimilates his or her inner evil(shadow as an archetype) in earlier stage of Jungian's “Individualization”. The assimilation is different from becoming conscious of the inner evil. His or her ego becomes unified or integrates his or her inner evil. Assimilation into evil in earlier stage of Jungian's “Individualization” define the entirety of their “Individualization”. Jungians identify themselves as antisocial people. So Jungians become evil people. Please refer to “支持しないでください” written in Japanese language.
 I think therte is something wrong with Ministry of Education's policies.

Jungian Psychology -the wicked people-

Jungian Psychology -the anima as an archetype-

Jungian Psychology -collective unconscious-

Jungian Psychology -The cure is not a cure.-

Summary of this Website (from old version)
Criticism against Jungian Psychology

Supplement to the Summary (from old version) 
Criticism against Jungian Psychology

Scorn for Religion (from old version)
Criticism against Jungian Psychology